Leonardo's Choice

eBook - Genetic Technologies and Animals

Erschienen am 18.09.2009, Auflage: 1/2009
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789048124794
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 3.10 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Leonardos Choice: Genetic Technologies and Animals is an edited collection of twelve essays and one dialogue focusing on the profound affect the use of animals in biotechnology is having on both humans and other species. Communicating crucial understandings of the integrated nature of the human and non-human world, these essays, unlike the majority of discussions of biotechnology, take seriously the impact of these technologies on animals themselves. This collections central questions revolve around the disassociation Western ideas of creative freedom have from the impacts those ideas and practices have on the non-human world.

This transdisciplinary collection includes perspectives from the disciplines of philosophy, cultural theory, art and literary theory, history and theory of science, environmental studies, law, landscape architecture, history, and geography. Included authors span three continents and four countries.

Included essays contribute significantly to a growing scholarship surrounding the question of the animal emanating from philosophical, cultural and activist discourses. Its authors are at the forefront of the growing number of theorists and practitioners across the disciplines concerned with the impact of new technologies on the more-than-human world.


PrefaceIntroductionCarol Gigliotti, EditorPart I1. Genetic Science, Animal Exploitation, and the Challengefor DemocracySteven Best2. Darwins Progeny: Eugenics, genetics and animal rightsVincent J. Guihan3. Intimate Strife: The unbearable intimacy of human/animal relationsBeth CarruthersPart II4. Leonardos Choice: The ethics of artists working with genetic technologiesCarol Gigliotti5. We Have Always Been Transgenic: A dialogueSteve Baker and Carol Gigliotti6. Negotiating the Hybrid: Art, theory and genetic technologiesCaroline Seck Langill7. Meddling with Medusa: On genetic manipulation, art and animalsLynda Birke8. Transgenic Bioart, Animals, and the LawTaimie L. BryantPART III9. Dis/integrating Animals: Ethical dimensions of the genetic engineering ofanimals for human consumptionTraci Warkentin10. The Call of the Other 0.1%: Genetic aesthetics and the new MoreausSusan McHugh11. Landseers Ethics: The campaign to end cosmetic surgeryon dogs inAustralasiaDavid Delafenêtre12. The Adoration of the Mystic LambKelty Miyoshi McKinnon13. Ending Extinction: The quagga, the thylacine, and the smart humanCarol Freeman

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